
People are easily drawn into portraits; it is a genre that just about everyone can relate to. In addition to my interest representing the personality and character of the individual in my painting, I am also compelled with the tried and true approach to art making of painting. I find that I can communicate the messages I need to through that media while still presenting an important and unique addition to the current art world. My works are recognizable in shape and form as portraits, but I approach them by juxtaposing a wide variety of hard-edged colored geometric and organic shapes that form the very specific and important individual. I create the works I do simply because of my relationships with the individual. My portrait paintings are of my friends and family, people I enjoy surrounding myself with.

Sketches that have been given away are WONDERFUL ways to brighten someones day and begin a conversation or to simply leave them scratching their heads. Here are just a few. They all got uploaded in one quick setting so… the details about them are on the drawing itself. If you see you… thanks for looking!

3 thoughts on “Portraits

  1. Hey Frank!

    Haley here, I student taught in the math dept. at waterford last semester. Just wanted to drop in and say I saw your exhibit at the crossman gallery at the CA in Whitewater…NICE stuff 🙂
    esp. love your self portrait.
    hope all is well

  2. Hi Frank
    Its nice to find a fellow portrait artist on the web – I love your paintings, you have a very special style that is strikingly different from the main stream styles. I’m still stuck in the past with my traditional charcoal sketches but I’m learning a lot from guys like you, just not brave enough to tackle something new.
    I’ll go brows your site – thanks

  3. Mr. Korb
    Your portraits are SO awesome. Thank you for inspiring me to continue my art, no matter how busy I may or may not be with my summer and college coming up. I hope to be as experienced as you some day!
    Victoria Krueger, class of 2012 😀

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